Friday, January 16, 2015

Hello again… and 2015 Goals

Uh oh… it's been way too long since I've posted. I have lots of reasons, but really, only one or two are acceptable:
  • I stopped running for over a month after developing posterior tibial tendonitis and the beginnings of plantar fasciitis;
  • I auditioned for an improv team and was not accepted - cue disappointment and self-doubt;
  • I became an aunt;
  • I moved in with my boyfriend;
  • And I got engaged!
As you can imagine, from July and onward, life has been pretty hectic. 2014 was a big year for me and 2015 promises to be at least as big. 

I came up with a few goals for 2015 which will hopefully keep me from losing myself in wedding planning. Here they are:
  1. Complete one knit or crocheted project each month: I have recently rediscovered my love of knitting and crocheting and I don't want to lose it again. Knitting is not definitely like riding a bike – after 2 years of no knitting, I completely forgot how to make the simplest of stitches and had to relearn nearly everything. But it is so calming and so gratifying to create something with your hands.
    I made a dogbot! (Pattern from Crobots: 20 Amigurumi Robots to Make)
  2. Run a marathon: I really wanted to do this in 2014, but ankle injuries kept me from running at all during July and August. After some PT, I am ready to tackle this goal, although I am honestly very nervous about hurting myself again. More on this when I decide on which races to run (so far I'm thinking the Zooma Annapolis Half Marathon and the Marine Corps Marathon).
  3. Have zero goals for improv: I'm at a point with improv where I just want to have fun and not stress about it. I'll still try to push myself and play with new people, but that is it. I've got too many other things to stress about!
  4. Blog at least three times a week: Clearly I let this blog go and I am committed to never letting that happen again. Be prepared for some pretty crappy posts because I am blogging no matter how little I have to say! And… uhh… I'll start this goal next week…
I think these goals are pretty doable! How about you – any 2015 goals?

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